How can Private investigators help track stolen items?

 Recovering stolen merchandise can be a daunting and complex task. In some cases, the merchandise may have been moved or sold, making it difficult to find. Hiring a Private Investigator in Singapore can be the key to finding and recovering your stolen merchandise quickly and efficiently.


With their specialist skills, knowledge, and experience, private investigators can use their expertise to track down stolen property and put you on the road to recovery. They can also act as a liaison between you and law enforcement, ensuring that all parties are kept informed of progress throughout the investigation.


By hiring a private investigator, you can be sure that you are taking the most efficient and reliable steps to recover your merchandise.


Corporate theft, what are the warning signs?


Suspicious behavior, several anomalies, or unexplained variations in stocks can give rise to some questions. 


What is the added value of a private detective in the event of theft of goods?


The role of the private detective is to determine who is the main culprit and if they have any internal or external complicity. Its objective is to shed light on the mode of operation. To do this, a private detective has the experience and is required to deploy appropriate investigation techniques according to each case. A private detective also has equipment adapted to each type of theft of goods. However, it should be borne in mind that the goal is to accumulate enough admissible evidence in court.


The private detective's investigation


  •           Preparing for the survey


First, make sure you know the exact details of your stolen goods, including model numbers, serial numbers, and any other identifying marks. This can help the private investigator quickly locate and identify your stolen property. Gathering details of the theft itself can also help your investigator locate your stolen property more precisely.

  •            Types of surveys


Generally, a Private Investigator in Singapore can offer two types of surveys:


Internal investigation:


The internal investigation most often consists of infiltration within the company. Its sole purpose is to identify whether employees are committing theft. The private research agent will occupy a position within the company. This will allow him to know in detail the processes used. He may thus be able to identify the cause of the theft of goods.


External investigation:


The external investigation usually consists of monitoring warehouses or sites. The theft can be committed either by an employee who takes out the goods during his working hours or for example by a subcontractor. In both cases, the private detective will be responsible for carrying out surveillance and possibly spinning to see if the goods are not diverted at that time.


A theft of goods is an abyssal loss that has a very strong impact on the profitability of a company. Nowadays, all types of businesses (SMEs, large companies, and local authorities) can obtain all the help they need. The evidence is collected with total discretion.


The success rate of private investigators in recovering stolen property!


The majority of private investigators succeed in recovering some or all of the stolen property. The exact success rate may vary depending on the factors and situation. However, the overall success of an investigation can also be affected by the actions of the victim.


Trust on Baker St. Private Investigator!

The purpose of the private detective is to collect evidence and build a case. This file will then be forwarded to law enforcement. Therefore, if you find any internal issue in your team, contact PI Singapore immediately without letting it escalate. Get in touch with us!



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